

4.契 約
(5)契約書の送付  契約書を送付する
書き出し   草案返送に対するあいさつを述べる
90 契約書草案ご了承の2月27日付メールを拝見し,大変うれしく存じます。
We were very glad to receive your e-mail of February 27 expressing your agreement to the draft contract.
90 契約書草案のご確認をありがとうございました。
Thank you for confirming the draft contract.
主文   契約書送付の旨を伝え,対応を促す
90 弊社で署名した代理店の契約書2部を郵送いたします。内容をご確認いただきご署名の上,そのうちの1部をご返送ください。
We will send you by postal mail two signed copies of the distribution contract. Upon confirming the contents of the contract are appropriate, please sign both copies and send one copy back to us.
90 本契約書にこれまでに合意を得た修正点がすべて反映されておりますことをご確認ください。
Please confirm that all of the revised points we have agreed on up to now are reflected in this contract.
90 お送りした契約書28ページの署名欄に御社の署名をお願いします。
Could you please sign the contract we have sent you in the signature area on page 28?
90 契約書の原本ができましたのでお送りしようと思います。どちら様宛にすればよろしいでしょうか。
We have completed drawing up the final version of the contract and we wish to send this to you. Could you tell us to whom should we address it?
91 契約書を正副2通お送りいたしますので,受領後すみやかにご署名,ご返送ください。
We are sending you two duplicate copies of the contract. Upon receiving them, please affix your signature and send them back to us without delay.
91 別途お送りする契約書原本についてご異存がないかどうかご確認いただき,何かあればご連絡ください。
We ask you to read and make sure that you have no objections to what is written in the contract, which we will send separately and contact us should there be any points you do not agree with.
結び   あいさつを述べ,次へとつなげる
90 今後とも末永いお付き合いが続きますよう願っております。
It is our hope that we may continue to do business together for the years to come.
91 契約書を受領されましたら,お手数ですがご連絡をお願いいたします。
I’m sorry to trouble you, but upon receiving the contract, could you please contact us to tell us that you have indeed received it?
91 今月中には貴社との正式な契約が結ばれることと期待しております。
It is our hope that we are able to conclude an official contract with you within this month.
