

・P208  50 “No”を避ける日本人 英文 第1文目
【誤】The American business person is inclined to start talking business under way in no time.
【正】The American business person is inclined to want to get business talks under way in no time.


・P209 50 “No”を避ける日本人 全訳 第1文目

・P210 50 “No”を避ける日本人 熟語 589 under way 例文
【誤】The new building of the school is under way.
【正】The construction of the new school building  is under way.


『速読英熟語CD』訂正箇所 (CD箱の裏面右下の日付が20211110版までをお持ちのお客様)
・P53 英文50 “No”を避ける日本人 英文 第1文目
【誤】The American business person is inclined to start talking business under way in no time.
【正】The American business person is inclined to want to get business talks under way in no time.

・CD Disk2  Track 20 英文50 “No”を避ける日本人 修正済み音声





『速読英熟語WORKBOOK』訂正箇所 (3刷までをお持ちのお客様

・問題編 p.53 50 “No”を避ける日本人
【誤】The new building of the school is(   )way.
【正】The construction of the new school building  is(   )way.

・解答編 p. 30 50
【誤】④/ The new building of the school is under way.
【正】④/ The construction of the new school building  is under way.

・CD-ROM 修正済み音声
mp3 ファイル番号:247_50_1.mp3


